Semi-deponent verbs, like deponent verbs, are missing some of their forms. The most common semi-deponent verbs are those which have only active forms in the present system (present, imperfect, and future) and only passive forms in the perfect system (perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect).
You should also know that some irregular verbs such as sum, possum, volo, malo, nolo, and eo are virtually always active--the opposite of regular deponent verbs which only have passive forms. A few other verbs such as memini, odi, and coepi only have perfect system forms, no present, imperfect, or future.
Ablative object of a verb (no preposition in Latin)
Librō ūtēbāris. You were using a book.
Cēnā fructī erant. They had enjoyed dinner.
Ablative of comparison (with comparative adjective or adverb)
Marcus Luciō altior est. Marcus is taller than Lucius.
Cicerō Balbō celerius cucurrit. Cicero ran faster than Balbus.
Ablative of measure/degree of difference
Multō longius Romam quam Athēnās erat. It was much further to Rome than to Athens.
Caesar paulō melior quam Pompeius est. Caesar is a little bit better than Pompey.
Ablative of (specific) price
Quinque denariīs pictūram ēmī. I bought the painting for 5 denarii.
MM sestertiīs casam vendidī. I sold the little house for 2000 sesterces.
Genitive of (indefinite) value
With these verbs meaning hold, consider, estimate, …
habeo, putō, faciō, dūcō, …
Eam magnī, eum parvī habeo. I consider her worth a lot, him worth a little.
Tē maximī aestimās. You value yourself very highly. (…worth very much)
Ablative of origin (related to ablative of separation)
Vir genere vetere est. He is a man of an old family.
Aeneas deā natus est. Aeneas was born of a goddess.
Synopses are lists of all the finite (indicative & subjunctive) forms of a verb in a certain person and number, such as all the 1st person singular forms. When I ask you to do synopses, I will often ask for other forms such as infinitives and participles although these forms have no person (i.e. are not 1st, 2nd, or 3rd person).
xxx indicates a form that does not exist for this particular verb.
xxxxxxxx indicates a form that you have not learned yet.
T/V/M | fīō 3rd pl. | possum 1st pl. |
Pres Act Ind | fīunt | possumus |
Pres Pas Ind | xxx | xxx |
Impf Act Ind | fīēbant | poterāmus |
Impf Pas Ind | xxx | xxx |
Fut Act Ind | fīent | poterimus |
Fut Pas Ind | xxx | xxx |
Perf Act Ind | xxx | potuimus |
Perf Pas Ind | factī sunt | xxx |
Plpf Act Ind | xxx | potuerāmus |
Plpf Pas Ind | factī erant | xxx |
Fpf Act Ind | xxx | potuerimus |
Fpf Pas Ind | factī erunt | xxx |
Pres Act Sub | fīant | possīmus |
Pres Pas Sub | xxx | xxx |
Impf Act Sub | fierent | possēmus |
Impf Pas Sub | xxx | xxx |
Perf Act Sub | xxx | potuerimus |
Perf Pas Sub | factī sint | xxx |
Plpf Act Sub | xxx | potuissēmus |
Plpf Pas Sub | factī essent | xxx |
Pres Act Inf | xxx | posse |
Pres Pas Inf | fierī | xxx |
Perf Act Inf | xxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxx |
Perf Pas Inf | xxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxx |
Fut Act Inf | xxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxx |
Pas Peri Inf | xxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxx |
Prs Act Part | xxx | potens |
Pf Pas Part | factus | xxx |
Fut Act Part | xxx | xxx |
Fut Pas Part | xxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxx |
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