Monday, March 29, 2010


The survey results are in:

The favorite sentences are:

1. Marcus adeo edit ut ambulare non posset. (E Howser)

2. tam laeta est ut domire non possit. (Eliza Liu)

3. Three way tie:
Cibus tam bonus erat ut omnia ederim. (Anthony Wishard)
tot hostes aderant ut Marcus pugnare non posset. (Nick Hubner)
Scintilla cenam ita paravit ut omnes eam laudarent. (Lauren Bejzak)

Congrats to all for some clever sentences.

I have copied all the perfect result clause sentences below. I divided them according to the tense of the subjunctive in order to show what the subjunctive tenses indicate.

Note that the result clauses actually begin with the ut. Ne is never used for result clauses only purpose clauses, indirect commands, and some others we haven't learned yet (fear and prevention). Negative result clause start with ut and have non or another negative somewhere in the clause.

There is often a sign post word in the main clause that indicates the presence of a subordinate result clause. Some such sign post words are: sic, ita, adeo, tam, tot, tantus, and talis, they tend to mean "so" or "such".

EXAMPLES (sign post word in bold, result clause in italics)

Ita currebat ut ad terminum viae primus adveniret.
He was running in such a way that he arrived at the end of the road first.
Tantus Caesar est ut nemo se ei opponat.
Caesar is so great that no one opposes themselves to him.

Result clauses may violate the sequence of tenses by using a present or perfect subjunctive in secondary sequence (after a past tense main verb) to emphasize that a result actually occurred.

(often used after past main verb to show an actual perfect tense result)

Joe Strawitz
Tam laeta eram ut riserim.

Andrew Coons
ita dixit ut omnes fleverint.

Anthony Wishard
Iter tam parvum erat ut uno die advenerim.
Cibus tam bonus erat ut omnia ederim.

(used mostly after primary main verbs, always shows a result in the present)

Eliza Liu
tam laeta est ut domire non possit.

Hanna Bertoldi
Tam diligenter laborat ut multa perficiat.

Morgan Burgess
Quintus ad ludum totiens sero advenit ut magister iratus non sit.

(used mostly after past tense main verbs, always shows a result in the past)

Elizabeth Harkinson
Quintus tam fessus erat ut ēsse non posset.

Hanna Bertoldi
Tanta fecit ut urbem servaret.

Morgan Burgess
Horatia tam anxia erat ut non posset dormire.

E Howser
Marcus adeo edit ut ambulare non posset.

Nick Hubner
tot hostes aderant ut Marcus pugnare non posset.

Lauren Bejzak
Scintilla cenam ita paravit ut omnes eam laudarent.

Olivia Hill
Quintus tam audax erat ut amici eum laudarent.

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